Title: Come Let Us Be Merry -- by Carrie Crompton, hammered dulcimer, with THE BAROLK FOLK
Description: The joy of the midwinter season has traditionally been celebrated thorugh dance. Indeed, the word "carol" comes from the Old French "caroler", to dance in a circle. The Barolk Folk combine carols and old French noels with ancient dance tunes to bring out a dancing spirit in the tunes and in the listener. The recording is all instrumental, with hammered dulcimer, fretted dulcimer, recorder, viol, guitar and piano. Reviews: "Sound is excellent, with clarity and presence...evoking a joyous atmosphere entirely appropriate to the occasion." CD Review "This effusive music carries a grace and vibrancy which recalls a torchlit medieval banquet with dancers whirling and bowing. Wonderful for dancing, driving and background with a spark." Heartsong Review "The result of all this mixing and matching is a lot of unbridled energy adding up to a whole lot of joy." Musical Heritage Review Letters to us: "I just love COME LET US BE MERRY. I play it all year long. Thank you for the joyous music." Nancy L., Corfu, NY "COME LET US BE MERRY has brought many hours of enjoyment to enrich our holidays." Marilyn D., Roswell, GA "Since discovering your recordings several years ago, I have become enthralled with The Barolk Folk... Thank you for all the joy you've given me through your music." Barbara V., Grand Rapids, MI. "COME LET US BE MERRY has proven to be my children's favorite tape. They are now 5 and 3, and they love to dance and twirl like fairies whenever they hear this music. Thank you for what is truly some of the most beautiful music I've ever heard." Lisa A., Madison, AL |
Title: Bach Dances -- by Carrie Crompton with The Barolk Folk
Description: The dance music of J.S. Bach has timeless appeal; the melodies are beautiful, the harmonies sumptuous; and the rhythms familiar. Arranged for dulcimer, recorder, violin, guitar and piano by Carrie Crompton, these little masterpieces are even lighter and more joyful. Flawlessly preformed and beautifully recorded, this CD appeals to lovers of traditional folk music and baroque dance music alike. Letters To Us: "Your music has recaptured for me that still place within where beauty keeps a refuge." Rosalee V., Texas "I am listening to BACH DANCES now and I must say it seems to make this gloomy, cold day feel light and spring-like. Your music is wonderful. Thank you for sharing it." Corrine A, Andover, CT "Thanks for your wonderfully creative approach to two fabulous kinds of music!!" Janice C., Toronto, Ontario "My family and I REALLY enjoy your music. These are the only tapes we have that we never get tired of listening to. Thanks!" Karen W. |
Title: Girls and Boys, Come Out to Play! Winner of the Parents Choice Gold Award -- by Carrie Crompton with The Barolk Folk
Description: Rhythm and rhyme, melody and harmony come together in a beautiful package for children (birth to 7 years) and their parents to enjoy together. Joyous instrumental arrangements of traditional English folk dances are paired with jewel-like vocal settings of the familiar Mother Goose rhymes. Reviews: "A merry-go-round of danceable tunes for the next generation." Northeast Magazine "The clear, pure voices of the singers and the traditional acoustic instruments create an exciting introduction to a style of music that might otherwise remain remote." Parents' Choice "Fun to dance, stomp, or bounce around in your crib to. A fine album for when girls and boys come in to play too; no jolk." Parents Magazine "Musically intelligent and wonderfully textured...Magical!" Dulcimer Players News "A relaxing, soothing and dreamy mixture of folk gorgeousness." The Mini Signal Letters To Us: "Thank you so much for the unforgettable times my children and I have had and continue to have singing and dancing to your incredible talent in GIRLS AND BOYS, COME OUT TO PLAY. We absolutely love it!" Brenda C., Ellington, CT |
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