Children's Books Title: Sounds of the year by Joe Crompton and Carrie Crompton
Title: ABC by Joe Crompton and Carrie Crompton
Hammered Dulcimer Books Title: The Expressive Hammered Dulcimer: An Instructional Method by Carrie Crompton
Description: This new method is the result of 20 years of teaching dulcimer and seeking a logical way to develop instrumental technique, musical expression and satisfying repertoire at the same time. |
Title: Hammer Dulcimer Solos vol. 1 : A book of Repertoire by Carrie Crompton
Description: A classic book of arrangements which has influenced a generation of dulcimer players. Carrie's arrangements show the way to a sophisticated technique of self-accompaniment on the dulcimer, beginning with simple tunes that "make their own gravy" and leading to the music of J.S. Bach and Turlough O'Carolan. CD Available. |
Title: Hammer Dulcimer Solos vol.2: A book of Repertoire by Carrie Crompton
Description: Carrie's best-known arrangements of baroque and folk repertoire for the hammered dulcimer are included in this book. There is also a section of seasonal classics. CD Available. |
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